Ian S. McBride

Software Engineer

Smigle a Minimalist Blog Theme for Hugo

The site you’re now reading was built with smigle, a publicly shared blog theme I created from scratch for the Hugo static site generator. If you’re dissastified with Hugo’s official collection of themes (currently it contains 403 themes) and want a blog that exactly meets your needs, I recommend building your own theme. It’s a short, straight-forward process, and my hope is that from reading about my experience building smigle, which took only one two-week sprint, you’ll decide to build your own theme too.

Influential themes

As a non-design person, I began smigle as I do with most frontend designs: I searched for existing designs and borrowed ideas from them. Here are the top five themes that I drew from, from most to least amount of influence.

  1. sumnerevans’ smol - comfortable room for writing, no-frills layout, prominent header, excellent portfolio page
  2. colorchestra’s smol - appealing design contraints (no JS, no bloat)
  3. PaperMod - loved the simplicity, typography, and B&W color scheme
  4. Cupper - sensible instructions for theme users
  5. Mini - liked the simplicity

At first glance, you’d may be tempted to say smigle is no different than sumnerevans’ smol. In truth, the general layout and font are the same, but under the hood, there are many differences. That author based his theme on colorchestra’s theme with same name, but in the process, reversed “no bloat” ethos of the original smol. sumnerevans’ smol has commenting, search, light/dark mode, and something called openring that gives highlights of other blogs you read. When I started smigle, I used the original smol as the base and introduced that sumnerevan’s general layout and font, without including any of the blog features I consider to be bloat.

Little touches

After choosing the base layers of smigle, namely the scaffolding from the original smol and the layout from sumnerevans’ smol, I incorporated several little touches from other themes that made for a better overall feel.

  • An example site directory to give users a quick way to demonstrate the theme (modeled after cupper)
  • A bubble-like layout for the tags and categories pages (modeled after mini)
  • A yearly grouping in the posts page (modeled after mini)

Then I borrowed one more piece from sumnerevans’ theme: the simple, collapsible portfolio page design. With collapsible content, the portfolio is still readable as my career continues and my portfolio grows in length. What made this feature so simple is that the user interaction was accomplished with only two HTML5 tags, details and summary, and all the styling it needed was an off-white background color, margin, padding, and float right for the date.


Despite having experience with web development and Jekyll (the Ruby-based static site generator), I faced some challenges when I built smigle because I was completely new to Hugo and Go (the language it’s written in).

  • Hugo templates, specifically the range and . syntax were confusing
  • Getting range to treat the last element was annoying (as discussed in an earlier post)
  • Overriding a theme’s static file paths was confusing

What helped get over these challenges was skimming and rereading the Hugo docs and searching through the Hugo community Discourse. As I pointed out in an another earlier post, the docs are vast and not well organized for beginners, but what can you do?

Favorite parts

As with any project, there some nifty parts to building smigle that made it a good experience.

  • Rendering a template using a data file (in my case a .yaml with portfolio details) was surprisingly easy and powerful. This feature enabled me to separate portfolio data from the HTML structure, which will make maintaining my portfolio a breeze since it just means editing a YAML file. Since a portfolio page was a personal need of mine and not pertaining to blog, I keep this page out of the smigle theme, but in the site that makes use of smigle.
  • Learning a little about the workflow with git submodules was interesting. This topic came up because the traditional way of using a Hugo theme involves cloning the theme repo as a submodule of your website repo.
  • Sharing smigle on Hugo’s official collection of themes was satisfying since anybody can now discover and reuse my work.